Cryogenic Cooling of Sensing Devices Conference

Cryogenic Cooling of Sensing Devices, a conference sponsored by SPIE, the international professional society for optics and photonics technology, will be held April 14-18, 2019, at the Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland. Conference chairs are Tonny Benschop, Thales Cryogenics B.V. (Netherlands); Sergey V. Riabzev, RICOR Cryogenic & Vacuum Systems (Israel); and Carl S. Kirkconnell, West Coast … Continue reading Cryogenic Cooling of Sensing Devices Conference

The ‘Gloo’ Behind James Webb Space Telescope’s Spider Technology

It takes a team of talented individuals working in unison to brainstorm, build and deliver what will become the world’s most powerful space telescope. Marcelino Sansebastian is a Senior Instrument Technician at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who has been deeply involved with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope since the project began. … Continue reading The ‘Gloo’ Behind James Webb Space Telescope’s Spider Technology

A Superconductor Story with a Twist

There’s a literal disturbance in the force that alters what physicists have long thought of as a characteristic of superconductivity, according to Rice University scientists. Rice physicists Pengcheng Dai and Andriy Nevidomskyy and their colleagues used simulations and neutron scattering experiments that show the atomic structure of materials to reveal tiny distortions of the crystal … Continue reading A Superconductor Story with a Twist

Uganda’s First Cryopreservation Unit is Conserving Banana Diversity

Christopher Bendana of Cornell University's Alliance for Science reports that Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) is using liquid nitrogen to conserve banana cell lines in a pioneering effort that could help researchers striving to combat disease and climate threats. The science of storing tissues in liquid nitrogen, also commonly applied in medical research, is … Continue reading Uganda’s First Cryopreservation Unit is Conserving Banana Diversity

NASA to Partner with US Companies to Develop ‘tipping point’ Technologies

NASA is partnering with US companies to develop "tipping point" technologies that have the potential to significantly benefit the commercial space economy and future NASA missions, including lunar lander and deep space rocket engine technologies. Several of these partnerships involve cryogenics. A technology is considered at a "tipping point" if investment in a ground or … Continue reading NASA to Partner with US Companies to Develop ‘tipping point’ Technologies

Why Cryo-EM is Gaining Popularity in Structural Biology

Cryo-electron microscopy, also known as Cryo-EM, is a technique for visualizing macromolecular structures which has been developed over the last two decades. Shelley Farrar reports that Cryo-EM is a form of transmission electron microscopy which permits samples to be studied at cryogenic temperatures. Biological structures such as ribosomes and mitochondria from pathogens, ion channels and … Continue reading Why Cryo-EM is Gaining Popularity in Structural Biology