CERN Successfully Tests Cooler Way to Transport Electricity

A 60-meter-long line has been developed for CERN’s future accelerator, the High-Luminosity LHC, which is due to come into operation in 2026. Tests began last year and the line has transported 40,000 amps, 20 times more than what is possible at room temperature with ordinary copper cables of a similar size. This superconducting line is the first of its kind and allows vast quantities of electrical current to be transported within a pipe of a relatively small diameter. Companies are using the work done at CERN to study the possibility of using similar transmission lines at high voltage, instead of conventional systems, to transport electricity and power over long distances.

Cryogenics, Superconductivity Enabled Historic Black Hole Photograph

In April, the Event Horizon Telescope captured the first ever photo of a black hole. Superconducting submillimeter detectors, developed by engineers and astronomers at the University of Virginia and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, helped make visible what once was only black. These devices were responsible for capturing the electromagnetic signal after its 55 million light-year journey.